A list of services we offer at our centre.

Safety Deposit Boxes
We provide Birmingham's best secure deposit boxes with state of the art safety measures

Mail Services
We offer a complete mail receipt service to cover a multitude of requirements

We perform proper valuations of your valuables stored in our safety boxes

The Safety Deposit carries comprehensive risk insurance which means we are able to pass along this benefit to our customers
Frequently Asked Questions
Virtually anything that will fit in your box, and because we have a variety of boxes and safes to choose from, the list can be exhaustive, the only stipulation is that you may not store anything obtained illegally or anything of an illegal nature.
A few examples of items you may wish to store would be Jewellery, precious metals and stones, wills, deeds, stamps, passports, antiques, confidential papers, data storage, family heirlooms or anything that is of importance or value to you.
To open an account and get access to a safety deposit box you will be required to provide the following:
- Picture proof of Identity – Passport or Driving Licence
- Proof of Address – current household bill (gas, electricity, water or council tax) current bank statement or credit card statement.
Please note any proof of address needs to be:
- The Original
- No more than 3 months old.
Almost anyone can open an account after providing the necessary documentation, however we do insist on the following requirements:
1 You must be aged over 18
2 You will be required to sign the application form and a specimen signature card
3 If you require access to your safety deposit box by another person then it will be necessary for this person to be present at the time of opening your account.
4 Once approved applicants will be required to:
a. Provide a fingerprint for the biometric access control device
b. Pay a key deposit
c. Pay the required rental fee
Only with your express permission! Nobody at the Safety Deposit Centre can open your box, your key to your box is UNIQUE and is for the sole use of the account holder.
You can however nominate ONE other person to have access to your safety deposit box. You will still only be issued with one unique key, however it does mean that, until any further notification from yourself, the PRINCIPLE KEYHOLDER, either one of you can access the vault and as long as you have brought along the key will be access your safety deposit box.
Lost keys cannot be replaced. The key issued is UNIQUE. If you lose your key then the only access into your safety deposit box will be via the services of a locksmith.
Unfortunately if this situation should occur then the cost of replacing the lock and issuing a new UNIQUE key will be passed onto you.
We have negotiated a special rate with a locksmith and the charges will be: £150.00. This is paid on your initial visit and refunded at the end of the contract provided that both keys are not lost or damaged.
If you have nominated a second account holder then, providing all rental fees are paid up to date, they will have access to your box and will be able to remove any contents.
However should this not be the case, then the person reporting your death should bring a certified copy of the death certificate to our office at the time of reporting. Access will be allowed to the box for the purposes of probate valuation only. No items may be removed until such time as a relevant grant of probate has been shown
We strongly recommend that you take and keep photographs and up-to-date valuations of valuables stored in your safety deposit box as well as make copies of documents stored in the safe deposit box.
The Safety Deposit carries comprehensive risk insurance which means we are able to pass along this benefit to our customers. This cover is limited and we would recommend that an individual takes out their own insurance where necessary.
We are unable to suggest or recommend the amount of insurance cover which you may require, however we are able to provide you with details of a highly recommended broker who will be able to advise you fully on your insurance requirements. We can also supply you with details of an independent VALUATION service.
We accept no responsibility or liability for the amount of insurance that you have applied for.
We reserve the right to refuse to accept a request for insurance cover without giving a reason.
Please see the INSURANCE section of our website for full details.
14 Days before your renewal is due we will write to you to let you know that either a payment is required to continue to use your box or if you wish to cancel your contract then you will be required to empty your box before this deadline.
Should you take no action during this period then access to your box will be denied until such time as at least the minimum rental fee is paid (currently this is a 3 month contract).
An administration charge of £15 will also be payable.
We offer a complete mail receipt service to cover a multitude of requirements:
· People in shared accommodation requiring a secure place to receive their mail; ie students
· People on the move, in between residences, etc.
· Prominent personalities and celebrities wanting to receive their mail at a discreet address.
· Accountants, Solicitors, Doctors, Traders.
· People receiving goods from online stores and mail order firms who require a safe secure place to ensure that “someone is always in”.
· People moving abroad who want to maintain a base in the UK.
· An endless list of users of our bespoke mail services, so whatever your reason for requiring a mailbox we can assure you of a first class service.
· Free email notification service
· Free access 7 days a week
· Free parcel receipt and holding service
· Free to add additional recipient names
· No key deposit
. Mail forwarding